Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tips for avoiding Holiday Collapse

As another Holiday Season has started and food and drink become abundant, keep in mind the following tips to keep fitness and health routine on track:

  • ENJOY the many tasty foods you will experience. To fully enjoy SLOW DOWN and really taste the food and drink you are having. This simply means do not eat like it is the last supper, but breathe and enjoy the pleasure of good food and drink and even those annoying relatives.

  • ESCAPE the party scene and excuse yourself for a good walk. It is helpful to have a dog to get you out of there, so consider rescuing one from your local shelter. It is proven that those with animals perform more physical activity then those without one. And plus what a great way to "get out" of those mundane conversations with Uncle Al.

  • Be in CONTROL. You have kept on top of your health and fitness routine for the whole year, why blow it now? Think back to how good you have felt after a good exercise session and self-control with your diet.

Happy Holidays!