As we move towards another celebration and the buffet of food that usually accompanies it, here are some quick reminders to keep you on a healthy track and not sabotage your healthy routine:
- Eat slow! It usually takes about 20-30 minutes for our bodies to reach a satiation phase, so before you head back to the buffet line, try and wait it out and determine if you are really hungry for more.
- Remind yourself that you are in control of what you eat and think about how good you will feel when you turn-away from the egg-nog, or Christmas cookies. I firmly believe that the satisfaction you will receive from being in control of your body and food choices will be much greater than the satisfaction you receive from another glass of Nog. And when you do opt-out of the un-healthy choice, GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT and stand tall and confident for this is a victory.
- Take a walk. This is a great way to get you out of the house and burn some of those calories.
- Don't get down on yourself. Okay, it very may turn-out that you over-indulge a little for the holiday but don't let this small setback be a permanent collapse in your otherwise healthy routine. Simply, get up the next morning and keep on keepin on.
Once again, Have a Safe and Merry Christmas.
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