Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A New Year...A New Start.

As the New Year approaches and we all get a chance to start over in a way, I feel it is important to set some well defined goals for enhancing all dimensions of our health in 2011 (see past post on goal setting to learn more about how to define goals).

For instance, one of my goals for increasing my intellectual health is to post blog articles on my blogspot. However, that statement is really not a SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Line).

Therefore, to define my goal I would write:
In the next 8 weeks, I will increase my Intellectual Health by writing an article on my blog 3 times/week.

In the past my goal was to to write an article everyday, however as I found out this was not realistic at all due to my work schedule, etc.

That is why we need to really consider the obstacles in our life that could prevent us from achieving our goals. However, our goals still need to be ambitious and we need to do the work to accomplish them.

A popular resolution for the New Year is to lose weight. If losing weight is important to you for 2011, make that a "MAIN SMART GOAL" and then include some "supporting SMART goals" to accomplish the MAIN GOAL For instance, a "MAIN SMART GOAL" for accomplishing losing weight in 2011 might be:

1. Within 10 weeks, I will lose 10 lbs. (MAIN SMART GOAL). Be date specific as well, so if you start this goal on January 1, you can further define your Main Goal by stating, by March 4th, I will lose 10 lbs.
Now, you must write your "SUPPORTING SMART GOALS" that will make you accomplish your MAIN SMART GOAL". For example supporting goals for losing 10 lbs in 10 weeks could be,

A. To lose 10 lbs by March 4, 2011, I will join a health club by December 28, 2010.

B. I will begin performing 25 minutes of aerobic activity 3 times per week beginning January 1st.

C. I will begin preparing 5 "small meals" that include a healthy portion of Carbohydrates and Protein in each meal. I will stick to consuming 5 "small meals" Monday thru Friday. I will give myself permission to eat pizza or anything else I want every Saturday.

D. Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m., I will go to the grocery store and get the necessary healthy foods to prepare my meals for the week.

These are just some ideas, and please remember when starting a new exercise program and/or nutrition program consult with your physician about your program and consider working with a Personal Trainer to familiarize yourself with health club equipment and help determine a good exercise prescription for attaining your goal.

And please e-mail me with any questions. I'll be more than happy to assist you or just further explain my gibberish writing.

This is the opinion of Jonathan T. Felsen.

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